To solve this question correctly, you need to watch the part of the video class on linear inequalities that explains the solution to systems of linear inequalities. Watch and understand the video from the 22nd minute. There, I explain what a solution to a system of linear inequalities is.
Coming to this question: in question 5, in the answer choices you are given systems of linear inequalities. The question is, which one of them represents the region where sillimanite forms? To understand that, plot each choice in the desmos calculator. Instead of "P" use y, and instead of T use "x". For example P<0.0021T-0.67 should be plotted in desmos as Y<0.0021X-0.67. Do this for each answer choice and see which region is correct :)
To solve this question correctly, you need to watch the part of the video class on linear inequalities that explains the solution to systems of linear inequalities. Watch and understand the video from the 22nd minute. There, I explain what a solution to a system of linear inequalities is.
Coming to this question: in question 5, in the answer choices you are given systems of linear inequalities. The question is, which one of them represents the region where sillimanite forms? To understand that, plot each choice in the desmos calculator. Instead of "P" use y, and instead of T use "x". For example P<0.0021T-0.67 should be plotted in desmos as Y<0.0021X-0.67. Do this for each answer choice and see which region is correct :)